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Cosmic Alchemy Certification Course
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Welcome! Astrology Intro: (4:01)
Module 1
Astrology: First House, Aries (33:15)
Astrology: Mars (54:44)
Awakening Your Inner Mars (29:18)
Tarot: The Fool & The Magician (35:03)
Tarot: The Aces (55:51)
Yoga & Astrology: Aries, Sirshasana/Headstand (20:09)
Zodiac Health: Mars Herbs (30:10)
Wheel of Time: Zodiacal Seasons (23:50)
Learning Astrology (35:43)
Using to pull up a chart. (11:55)
Module 2
Astrology: Second House, Taurus (30:03)
Astrology: Venus (25:31)
Venus Retrograde in Gemini (24:23)
Venus and Mars Rising (16:34)
What to do with your new deck, spreads, and how to open a reading (23:41)
Tarot: The High Priestess & The Empress (32:39)
Tarot: Minor Arcana- The Two's (42:26)
Yoga Asana: Sarvangasana, Shoulderstand (18:03)
Zodiac Health: Taurus (14:00)
Soul Feng-Shui and Astrological Houses (21:05)
The Altar: Where you are God (21:22)
Module 3
Astrology: Third House, Gemini (31:52)
Astrology: Mercury (36:56)
Major Arcana: The Emperor and Hierophant (39:48)
Minor Arcana: The Three's (37:59)
Yoga and Astrology: Gemini, Halasana/Plough (8:48)
Zodiac Health: Gemini (13:32)
Basics of Astrology Chart Analysis (9:29)
Kapalabhati Pranayama (13:25)
Module 4
Astrology: Fourth House, Cancer (48:12)
Astrology: Moon (24:38)
Major Arcana: The Lovers & The Chariot (40:45)
Minor Arcana: The Four's (32:10)
Yoga and Astrology: Matsyasana/Fish (7:46)
Zodiac Health: Pineal and Creation (24:06)
Soul Lineage Life Purpose E-book
How to find your Moon phase (11:56)
Body Mapping with the Moon (35:06)
Module 5
Astrology: Sign- Leo (14:03)
Astrology: Luminary- Sun (28:35)
Astrology: House- Fifth House (12:40)
Major Arcana: Strength & The Hermit (25:44)
Minor Arcana: The Fives (35:23)
Yoga and Astrology: Paschimothanasana/ Head to Knee Pose (11:07)
Zodiac Health: Leo Herbs (16:31)
Tarot Bonus: How to Read Curse Cards (18:12)
Breathwork for Emotional Release (9:36)
Module 6
Astrology: Sign- Virgo (12:12)
Astrology: Planet- Vesta (14:03)
Astrology: House- 6th (9:23)
Major Arcana- Wheel of Fortune & Justice (29:53)
Minor Arcana- The Six's (30:30)
Yoga and Astrology: Salabhasana/Locust (16:40)
Zodiac Health: Intestinal Care (25:46)
Anuloma Viloma Pranayama (10:05)
Cut & Clear Instructions
Rules of Magick (32:04)
Module 7
Astrology: Sign- Libra (12:52)
Astrology: Planet - Juno (11:04)
Astrology: Planet- Juno through the Houses (10:50)
Astrology: House- 7th
Major Arcana: The Hanged Man & Death (41:17)
Minor Arcana: The Sevens (38:40)
Yoga and Astrology: Dhanurasana/Bow (10:24)
Zodiac Health: Libido Herbs (15:01)
Love Spells: Honey Jar (22:38)
Layers of the Astrology Chart (10:12)
Autumnal Equinox (7:23)
Rising Sign and Relationships (12:16)
Module 8
Astrology: Sign- Scorpio (26:00)
Astrology: Planet- Pluto (23:39)
Astrology: House- 8th (12:34)
Tarot: Major Arcana: Temperance & The Devil (41:06)
Tarot: Minor Arcana: The Eights (35:48)
Herbs: Hexing (17:50)
Yoga and Astrology: Bhujangasana/Cobra (11:39)
Magic: Working Figure Candles (22:43)
Reading the Candle (2:27)
Lilith and Sample Readings (14:33)
Planetary Transits/Initiations (14:37)
Module 9
Astrology: Sign- Sagittarius (13:31)
Astrology: Planet- Jupiter (28:22)
Astrology: House- 9th (11:07)
Major Arcana: Tower and The Star (35:14)
Minor Arcana: The Nines (27:55)
Magical Herbs: Knowledge and Traveling (28:19)
Yoga and Astrology: Kakasana/Crow and Natarajasana/Siva as Cosmic Dancer (19:26)
Making Poppets/Doll Babies (37:58)
Writing Petitions (30:08)
Intro to Synastry Astrology (5:21)
Setting Up Your Reading (20:09)
Module 10
Astrology: Sign- Capricorn (15:55)
Astrology: Planet- Saturn (24:14)
Astrology: House- 10th (14:33)
Major Arcana: The Moon & The Sun (22:59)
Minor Arcana: The Ten's (23:51)
Matseyendrasana- Spinal twist (9:21)
Zodiac Health: Herbs for Bones (19:24)
Communicating with Spirits/Necromancy (45:30)
Chiron and the Healing Journey (113:58)
Module 11
Astrology: Sign- Aquarius (16:35)
Astrology: Planet- Uranus (44:07)
Astrology: House- 11th (17:09)
Major Arcana: Judgement & The World (24:40)
Court Cards- Swords Family (23:34)
Zodiac Health: Psychedelics
Yoga and Astrology: Trikonasana/Triangle (22:26)
Yoga and Astrology: Surya Namaskar (21:33)
Reading Glass Encased Candles (16:55)
Reading an Ephemeris (12:50)
Module 12
Astrology: Sign- Pisces (41:02)
Astrology: Planet- Neptune (30:41)
Astrology: House- 12th (25:43)
Court Cards: Cups Family (22:59)
Court Cards: Wand Family (15:27)
Court Cards: Pentacle Family (15:33)
Yoga and Astrology: Savasana/Final Relaxation (15:18)
Dream Techniques for Lucid Dreaming (27:04)
Dream & Sleep Herbs (16:37)
Cleansing (7:32)
Dream Magick
Final Exam
Tarot Final
Astrology Final
Astrology: Planet- Neptune
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